Pinoy gay movies films

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The councilor, clad in his trademark orange, his face plastered all over town on posters, plans to hand out free rice to the townspeople in plastic bags bearing his name. The film’s raison d’etre seems to lie in the depiction of a councilor played by Mon Confiado.

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There’s the elderly woman who lives off the scraps of a ruthless loan shark. There’s her husband who works despite having tuberculosis. There’s young mother who prostitutes herself. There’s the mother (Ana Capri) who pimps out her teenage son to a gay benefactor.

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The people line up for hours to get their share of the rice, while those who don’t have money to pay for their meager portion end up doing all sorts of things in order to get food on the table. The bigger problem is that none of the stories actually go anywhere, the movie feeling like seventy minutes of wheel-spinning and fabricated drama.īigasan tells the story of a poor community regularly by government trucks selling rice at subsidized prices. But if the only crime Bigasan committed was being familiar, that wouldn’t be too bad. It rehashes every faux-indie plot produced in the last five years, tacking on only the most facile of changes. Please, Subscribe, Like and Share my CHANNEL for more videos:īigasan is one of those films that feel overly familiar, as if everything in it is something that you’ve seen before.

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